Prospect Development is Apra’s premier annual conference, bringing together hundreds of prospect development professionals to learn from the best, connect with their peers, and gain the partnerships and tools to excel in their roles. Joint Apra for Prospect Development 2024!
Apra Prospect Development 2022

Prospect Development is Apra’s premier annual conference, bringing together hundreds of prospect development professionals to learn from the best, connect with their peers, and gain the partnerships and tools to excel in their roles.
Join Apra for Prospect Development 2022!
Apra Data Science Now 2021
Apra Data Science Now, October 13-14, will once again be a collection of high-impact virtual sessions. Topics address all aspects of successful data science integration in development offices, including innovation, maximizing your toolset, communication, collaboration, and goal setting. The event draws leaders in the field of fundraising analytics to discuss theory, method, and implementation of data-informed fundraising.
Education Will Focus On:
- Identifying key needs and research questions, and generating buy-in from stakeholders.
- Methodologies, tools, and resources for conducting analysis and creating data-informed strategies and products.
- Roll out, implementation, adoption, and evaluation of data science programs.
Programming is intended to foster a collaborative networking environment so attendees may share experiences with peers, establish new professional contacts and gain insight to help them improve their work.
Apra Prospect Development 2021

Prospect Development is Apra’s premier annual conference, bringing together hundreds of prospect development professionals to learn from the best, connect with their peers, and gain the partnerships and tools to excel in their roles.
Join Apra for Prospect Development 2021, taking place online, July 27 – July 30, 2021!
CASE DRIVE/ 2021 Registration
Join me and hundreds of data-driven professionals in advancement and other nonprofits online this April to network, check out products and services, and learn how to accelerate smarter with data and analytics. Super Saver Rates end Sunday, Feb. 28!
PyroTalks FIC 2021 | Research & Data
Join us for the PyroTalks Fundraising Intelligence Conference (FIC) 2021.
Day 1 is all about prospect research, data and systems. All NanoTalks are 6, 12 or 18min long – just like TED Talks, with around 30min at the end of each NanoWave for a live Q&A.
FIC Day 1 – NanoWave 2.3 – Leading Data Teams:
As ‘data is the new oil’, the importance of leading data teams effectively cannot be overstated. Join this NanoWave to learn how you can expand data teams in your organization, boost your teams effectiveness through smart reporting, tips on pursing sensitive but impactful projects, and closing with methods on connecting data teams to deep motivation and building solid managerial foundations for the 2021.
Chair – Helen Hays, Head of Prospect Development, The Prince’s Trust
NanoTalk 1 – From Project to Program – Growing Fundraising Analytics in Your Organization (12min), by Mirabai Auer, Senior Associate Director of Data Science,The University of Chicago
NanoTalk 2 – Effective Enterprise Reporting (12min), by Rodger Devine, Associate Dean of External Affairs for Strategy and Innovation, University of Southern California
NanoTalk 3 – Pursuing Sensitive Projects (12min), by Kerry Rock, CEO, Prospecting for Gold
NanoTalk 4 – Connecting your Team to Deep Motivation (18min) by Sharath Jeevan, Founder & Executive Chairman, Intrinsic Labs
NanoTalk 5 – Sturdy Foundations – Covid & Leadership in 2021 (12min), by Jason Boley, Senior Vice President of Systems & Operations, BWF
ThirdDegree – Discussion & Q&A (20-30min) – All Speakers
CASE DRIVE/Cast 2021
Excited for the opportunity to work with Camden Morse, A.J. Nagaraj, Jon Thompson, and Sabah Currim to help connect thought leaders at Council for Advancement and Support of Education‘s DRIVE/CAST 2021, which focuses on enabling technologies and data analytics across a broad range of advancement contexts.
Have you been doing any exciting or innovative work you’d like to share?
Please consider submitting a proposal by November 18th!
AASP AI Workshop
There’s Nothing Artificial About What AI Can Do For Your Organization

Are you excited, confused, bewildered, skeptical, or just ignoring all the talk about AI? No matter what your feelings are about it, AI is going to be part of advancement services as it transforms fundraising the same way it is transforming every other sector of our economy and society.
This AI workshop is designed to give you the fundamental knowledge you need to navigate the hype and get to the very real applications of AI in advancement. You will learn how to determine if AI is, or isn’t, the right tool for your problem. You will learn how models are created and watch as they learn in real-time. You will be guided through a process enabling you to frame a problem; identify end-user requirements and challenges; catalog data sources; select the right AI tools; and architect the systems for delivering actionable insights. Finally, you will see demonstrations of both embedded and stand-alone AI-enabled applications being used today to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of advancement.
You can register here and join the conversation today!
Apra-MN 2020 Conference
Apra-MN Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Panel
As Apra-MN develops a strategic plan that will guide its efforts over the next three years, they are intentionally building diversity, equity, and inclusion core values into their mission. Along with other Apra chapters, Apra-MN is examining internal biases and developing practices that promote DEI in our professional organizations and our industry. Reflecting, listening to each other, and learning from one another’s experiences all contribute toward understanding and embracing DEI core values.
Join us for the Apra-MN 2020 conference on Tuesday, October 20th, 2020, which will include a panel discussion on how prospect development colleagues are addressing and incorporating DEI into our professional and personal spaces. Learn more about our moderator and panelists here!